A Life Less Boring (yes, that’s mine)

It has been a long time – far too long, since I have taken a seat at the old Macbook and pounded out a blog post.  Has life been that uneventful around here?  Hardly!  With two teenage kids, Chris and I barely have time to recall the day’s events, much less put them down on paper. But life is busy for everyone, really; it’s all about priorities.

Emily flyingWe have had an incredible year so far, 2014 has brought many fun and exciting adventures!  Emily has continued to fly helicopters and small airplanes every chance she gets.  Our dear friend, Fred (the helicopter pilot), took her up for flying lessons whenever he could, and she made the most out of every opportunity.  She’s doing quite well with the controls, taking off and landing all by herself; it all just amazes me.  At 14, I would never have had the nerve to do such things!  Quite frankly, I don’t have the nerve for it now either 🙂 .

Flying the twin engine planeShe also managed to fly a twin-engine airplane with our friend Vernon over Memorial weekend.  This plane was bigger and faster than any she has flown in the past, so she didn’t do the takeoff or landing by herself. However, she did get to fly her Auntie Lori & Uncle FD around.

Another amazing opportunity that presented itself was getting to fly a medical helicopter (air ambulance).  While at an airshow, she was offered a ride in the brand new heli a local ambulance company was demonstrating.  What she did not expect, was that the pilot already knew she could fly (I guess word gets around).  Once in the air, he offered her to take over the controls, which (of course) she did.  With two EMT’s in the backseat of the helicopter taking a ride, it did not take long for word to spread that a 14-year-old girl was flying it.  I must admit I was quite proud when a the very next morning a patient of mine at the hospital was telling me all about this girl that flew the helicopter at the air show, and I nodded and said, “Yep, that’s my girl.”

For those of you that remember I have a fear/anxiety of  flying, you might wonder how it is I can stomach all the flying she does.  Sometimes I don’t have much choice, such as when I’m coming off a night shift at the hospital and I need my sleep.  When that is not the case, I’m torn between being the supportive, ever-present mom who (anxiously) watches her daughter fly, OR… staying at home and praying, while I try not to think about her in this aircraft that “I” personally have no control over.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it that she is so driven, and that flying brings her so much joy.  And I am proud to say she flies aircraft, and she’s good at it!  I am just an ulcer-waiting-to-happen when I have to watch; and I think it’s probably kinder if I don’t exude my anxieties when she’s getting ready to fly.  Fortunately for all of us, Chris is always excited to be there, and even ride along if he can.  He shares her love of flying, and is a good “calm” person for her to be around 🙂 .

Pitching - SidOur son, Sid, has made this momma quite proud (and a little more relaxed) just by doing what he loves; playing baseball.  He made his way onto a select AA baseball team this year, and did very well.  He can play any position he’s put in, but pitcher and catcher are two positions where he really shines.  His coaches and teammates are some really awesome guys, and it didn’t take long for them all to become fast friends.  I thoroughly enjoyed attending games, and even practices.  It is exciting to see kids having so much fun together!

Sliding into 3rdPlaying baseball this year did come at an expense for Sid, however; he had to give up motocross during the season.  Chris and I both agreed (a shocker in itself) that Sid shouldn’t risk injury by racing during baseball season.  Of course after the ball season had ended, I felt it was too late in the year to “start” racing, and we should just drop it completely. The guys didn’t agree, however.  You can’t blame a mom for trying.

Emily played softball this season as well.  She primarily played pitcher, and alternated as shortstop.  Her team was a mix of girls from at least five other towns; many had played together for years, and others were brand-new.  These girls formed an amazing bond by the end of the season, and ended up winning their tournament just this past week.  This was Emily’s last year playing for our town. Next year she will have to join a different team to play, just as Sid did this year.  It makes me a little sad to wash those old familiar jerseys for the last time.

We did manage to fit a family vacation in this summer as well.  Emily was nominated by her band instructor, applied and auditioned, and was chosen as a finalist to play in the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall in New York!  She waited three months before finally receiving the letter announcing she was one of the one-hundred band students selected from the U.S., Canada, Korea, China, and Guam.  We were ecstatic, to say the least!  There was no question on “if” we would go – this would be the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we could not miss.  And to my great surprise, when I told my sister Lori about the upcoming performance (and trip), she and her husband, FD, took all of about 5 seconds to decide they too were going!  For the next two and a half months, Lori and I researched NYC, and planned our first vacation together in The Big Apple (details of that trip coming soon)!


10 thoughts on “A Life Less Boring (yes, that’s mine)

  1. You make me dizzy with all that you have going on… but then of course, I jumped in and joined you on vacation in NYC!! Ha ha! I have said it before, Jules, you and CF are great parents to encourage and support your kids in whatever they wish to explore. They flourish as a result.

    I can’t wait to see what you write about NYC!


    • Aw, Big Sister, you say the nicest things! Life with two teenage kids certainly is busy, but it’s a good kind of busy. I’m so glad they want to be involved in sports and academics (okay, maybe not so much academics for one of them, lol). The point is, they are active and trying new things, I love that! And what an amazing experience we all shared in NYC, I am so glad you & FD joined us; what an amazing experience that was!


  2. Wow, what an amazing family you have Jules AND, what an understandably busy life you have. It’s also so great reading (and seeing) how you and Chris have put family at the top of your priorities list and reading about your kids is proof at what great parents you are. I’m delighted for you and them that you and Chris are such an active part of their lives. Placing family first is not something I see or hear about as often as I use to but I’m happy to know it is flourishing in Nebraska.


    • Oh Rick, you just made my day! I have always enjoyed reading your comments, and I appreciate so much you taking the time to read and comment on my ramblings; you say such nice things 🙂 . The kids sure do keep us busy, but it’s like I just said to my sister, Littlesundog, it’s a good kind of busy. I’m so glad Em & Sid want to play sports, and want to play in band, and dare I say, want to fly helicopters, airplanes, and dirtbikes (yes, they fly too), LOL! Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope to have some interesting NY stories posted soon!


  3. Hi Jules – it has been a long time since you have posted but I certainly understand why. Your activity rate is quite a bit higher than mine but I have an excuse – enjoying retirement! Your kids are very talented and you have a right to be proud of them and encouraging them as you and Chris do. Y’all are GREAT parents and when those kids become adults they will thank you. Both Kristen and I were raised by loving parents and we have modeled our marriage after theirs. No fighting and yelling – we have discussions that are calm and we compromise. Too bad our Congress can’t do the same, lol. Take care and keep on doing what you love. Peace to all!


    • Louis, it’s great to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying that retirement, and that you and Kristen are doing well! Thanks so much for the nice things you said, they mean so much. Parenting isn’t always easy, but it’s so rewarding, and I’m so thankful to be Mom to these two precious kids! Chris and I are blessed, TIRED but blessed, LOL! Thanks again for stopping by, I hope to entertain you with our trip to NY very soon!


  4. What a brave mom you are, Jules, to let your children fly (literally and figuratively) even when it scares you. You’re raising a couple of strong & confident human beings who will do well when they go out on their own.


    • Kim, thank you so much for your very kind comment, I appreciate your words so much! I’m not always so brave, I must confess, I’m always having to remind myself that my inhibitions don’t have to be passed on to our kids; oh but it’s a tough battle in my head, and heart :-). I’m so glad you ventured over to take a look at my blog, I’m headed over to your’s right now to read about you! Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Hey there Jules! So happy to see a post from you again, I always enjoy reading of your family adventures! Your kids are awesome, and so much excitement going on. Can’t wait to read about NYC, too!


    • Denise, so wonderful to hear from you!! I have been away from writing for too long, even my kids have said so 🙂 . I’m so glad you stopped by, and I truly appreciate your kind words; thank you so much!! Have a great weekend, do something fun!!


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